
DeRossi (also known as Grey Wolf). Young, ambitious and talented DJ. He started
with mixing in 2004, but he had been interested in sound formation and mixing before.
He familiarised with mixing step after step, watching techniques used by the best music
producers. He listened both, polish and abroad artists, however his passion comes
basically from the Warsaw producer, DJ Matush. Continouing his fondness of music has
motivated him to seek for a new music style in his life. After many experiments he has
finally found the style which suits him the best – house and every variation of this music.
His sets are basically based on colorful sounds with hard, progressive beat. Listening to
these sets, you can hear deepness and infinity of great sounds. DeRossi definitely plays
good house with addicting vocal. He started to work with DJ Basstronic and Richard 4Grant
in 2008.