Lukas Becmer

LuCas BeCmer
Music has always been an important and close to his heart subject. He took his first steps in presenting different styles of house music on the radio in 2006, but it wasn’t until his trip to the UK in 2007 that he could make his dream come true – buy some proffessional equipment.
His sets are not only saturated with light, beach house with a good groove, but also deep tech house, by which he was influenced during his amazing stay on Ibiza and Miami.
He has already had an opportunity to play in the best house clubs and was invited by Dj Neevalda to present his sets on the programme “Klub Fm” on the radio Planeta Poznań. For three years Łukasz has been a resident in a club Teryorium in Poznań, where, while enjoying his passion, he wants to evoke love for house music in other people.
mail: [email protected]
tel: 782 037 713