House Of Pleasure: Every Tuesday in Prozak 2.0

House Of Pleasure: Every Tuesday in Prozak 2.0
Wtorek, 26 wrze艣nia 2023
godz: 23:00

Prozak 2.0

Plac Dominika艅ski 6, Krak贸w

Poka偶 na mapie Poka偶 na mapie

馃拪 Promo Tuesday馃拪
呕ubr贸wka, Soplica, Sailor Jerry, Tequilla Sierra – Shot 5 PLN
呕ubr贸wka Bia艂a 0,5L +Soft – 100 PLN
Sailor Jerry 0,7L + Soft – 100 PLN
Grant’s 12 0,7L + Soft – 150 PLN
Prosecco 0,75L – 70 PLN
Prozak 2.0 przywo艂uje swoj膮 legendarn膮 histori臋 z nowym cyklem imprez – „House of Pleasure”! To nasz powr贸t do korzeni, do czas贸w, kiedy pocz膮tek tygodnia nale偶a艂 do kr贸lowej klubowych rytm贸w – muzyki house. To jest nasza podr贸偶 do niezr贸wnanej energii i mi艂o艣ci, kt贸ra zawsze towarzyszy艂a tym nocom. Wracamy do tych ikonicznych moment贸w historii house, kt贸re zdefiniowa艂y nasz膮 spo艂eczno艣膰: od elektryzuj膮cych undergroundowych imprez w Chicago i NYC, a偶 po s艂o艅ce i piasek na Ibizie. House is a feeling, and we’re all about spreading the love.
Wst臋p od 23:00 co tydzie艅 | Cena 10/20 PLN | Selekcja | Pierwsze 30 min wst臋p FREE | Zakaz u偶ywania flasha

Prozak 2.0 recalls its legendary history with a new series of events – „House of Pleasure”! This is our return to the roots, to the times when the beginning of the week belonged to the queen of club rhythms – house music. This is our journey to the unparalleled energy and love that always accompanied these nights. We’re going back to those iconic moments in house history that defined our community: from electrifying underground parties in Chicago and NYC, all the way to the sun and sand of Ibiza. House is a feeling, and we’re all about spreading the love.
馃敟 Entry: 10/20 PLN (before/after midnight) | First 30 min entry free | Door Selection | No flash allowed | Doors open at 11:00 PM

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